2023. március 28. és április 7. között egy UFF-os diákokból álló csapat részt vett az Európai Bizottság Erasmus+ programjának keretein belül megvalósuló ifjúsági cserén a litvániai Kaunas városában.
Az alábbiakban a résztvevők képes beszámolója következik:
Between the 28th of March and 7th of April 2023, a group of YFO volunteers have been participating at a youth exchange funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Their thoughts and pictures about the project:
Szabó Bence: “An adventure for a lifetime!”
Cseke Réka: “This exchange helped me a lot in my life, there were very interesting and educational programs.”
Dunkler Krisztián: “It was an honour to participate in this amazing project.”
Lakatos Kriszta: “I’ve been to 3 exchanges, but this was the best so far. I liked that the program was in the centre of the city, Kaunas is a beautiful place. The topic of the exchange was really interesting and useful.”
We, as staff of YFO would like to say thank you again to the amazing team of Unique Projects for letting this whole experience happen!